
Mutual aid

Why Support Mutual Aid?

We are currently facing one of the most severe public health and economic crises in recent history. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only highlighted the harsh inequalities inherent in capitalism and other oppressive systems but also underscored the urgent need for community care and mutual aid. In these challenging times, mutual aid is vital for our collective survival and liberation.

About the WFPC Mutual Aid Project

In response to the pressing needs of our community, we launched the WFPC Mutual Aid Fund on March 15th, 2020. This initiative is dedicated to redistributing direct financial support to our members, with $200 payments allocated to women, transgender, and non-binary individuals under the age of 30. We prioritize those who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, non-white Latinx, Asian, and/or other people of color), LGBTQ+, those who are sick or disabled, immigrants, unemployed, survivors of violence, parents or caretakers, and individuals experiencing homelessness.

Our commitment extends beyond addressing immediate needs during the COVID-19 crisis. We are determined to sustain and expand this support, integrating mutual aid into our ongoing programming and strategic vision. The WFPC Mutual Aid Project aims to consolidate mutual aid funds and community resources, and to equip local networks with the tools needed for political education and activism within their communities.

How Your Donation Helps

Your contribution to the WFPC Mutual Aid Fund enables us to continue providing essential support to those in need and to uphold our commitment to mutual aid and community care. By donating, you are helping to build a resilient and supportive network that can navigate these crises and work towards long-term solutions.

Thank you for your generosity and support. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and foster a more just and equitable future.